Introduction to the Tree Alphabet

This alphabet, if similar looking to ours, contained very different purpose. Its nineteen letters each referenced a tree, and each tree much natural lore, medicinal fact, useful aids and, significantly, calendrical purpose. Long before the written word, when mnemonics played a key role, these tree letters formed a computer like purpose or starting point to reference data in multiple ways.

Keeping track of time

the lunar/ solar connection

Connecting memory to time through tree letters that define the yearly cycle plays a key role here. Each of its thirteen consonants corresponds to a 28 day sidereal, or lunar period that follow an anti-clockwise direction, while the five vowels follow a solar (sun-wise) direction to track solstice and equinox points. In addition, one hidden letter tracks the nineteen year metonic point when solar and lunar cycles re-calibrate in a lunar standstill (more on this lunar standstill event here), or else start with a letter...

Tree trail

tree alphabet | calendar of trees | tree trail