Songs cycle

A song of trees in poems by Aonghas MacNeacail

Poems are in the order of the alphabet (see to right) and the full version of each poem directly under its relevant board (see below)

Beithe / birch


theirte airgead theirte taibhse
theirte gun dìon i bhon t-sùil nach iarrte
theirte gun dùisg i grian a’ chèitein
faic a cruinn àrd airgeadach
an iomadachd liath
mar phlaide thaibhsean
am barraichean mar chuan
de shumainn shiùbhlach
thar bhràighean nan gleann
’s i oighreachd gealbhuinn
sliochdmhorachd a buadh
theirte gur slat a’ ghaoil i

cuin a chunnacas crann
cho seang cho subhach
cho dìreach cho lìonmhor
leann mar loinid ann a fèithean
fìon brodach ann a fèithean
mìlseachd nam pòg ann a fèithean


silver, it’s said a ghost, it is said
protects from the harmful eye, they say
it’ll wake the mayday sun, they say
see its tall silver poles
their multitudinous grey
like a plaid of ghosts
their branched tops make
a sea of fluid billows
on the slopes of glens
it’s the sparrow’s estate
fertility is in its gift
the tree of love, it is said

when was a mast seen
so slender so merry
so straight so copious
a froth of ale in its veins
a teasing wine in its veins
sweet sap of kisses in its veins

Luis / rowan


reul a’ priobadh tromh
mheanglan caorainn
mar dhearc nach trèig,
am beul na h-oidhche

teachdaireachd o
fada cian, an
dearc nach trèig,
an ciaradh foghair,

mar theachdaireachd
o fada cian,
an dearc nach trèig,
air madainn earraich


star flickers through
a rowan’s limbs,
enduring berry
at gray nightfall

a message from
the depths of space,
enduring berry
at autumn dusk,

message from
the depths of space,
enduring berry
this spring morning

Nuin / ash


chraoibh an t-saoghail 's
do fhriamhaichean san àirde tuath,
tobar draoidheachd, tobar eòlais,
tobar dàin thu,
nach d’rinn laoidh de chòmhstri
no rabhd de chleas,
do bhuadhan àraid,
gum b’fheàrr le nathair teine
seach do thaigh,
gun togar leigheas
leis na h-eòlaichean
’o d’ chruth
chraoibh an t-saoghail
mar a phòs thu
cuan is talamh,
aìle ’s lasair,
mar a rinn thu
cromag, sleagh no ràmh,
’s có ’n draoidh a chunnaic thu
mar sgiath, is
mar a sheas thu,
craobh ameasg nan craobh


world tree, whose
roots are in the north,
druid well, well of knowledge,
well of fate, you
made no hymn from warfare
nor doggerel from play
your special qualities,
that snakes should prefer fire
to shelter in your leaves,
that healing can be drawn
by those who know
from all you are
world tree
the way you married
earth and ocean,
air and flame,
and how you made
crook, spear or oar,
and who’s the druid saw you
as a wing, and
how you stood
a tree among the trees

Fearn / alder


mar a ghabh thu na sruthan sìorraidh
mar gum b’ann mu do shàilean
mar a dhaingnich thu na bruaichean,
a fhreiceadain na h-àirigh,
ged bu lom is fàs i,
mar a thaitnich leat an taise
’s tu seasamh na do làrach mar
mhaighdean dìleas shàmhach
nan loch, nam fèith ’s nan abhainn,
cò shaoileadh gum bu tu
cuilidh dhan ruagairteach,
tèarmann dha na leannain
(mar a dh’fheumas leannain tèarmann)
cha b’iadsan an taisdealair
’s a shùil air cabhsair tioram,
ceum a chithear
’s drochaid bhuan


the way you accepted the eternal currents
as if about your ankles,
the way you strengthened the banks,
sentry of the sheiling,
though it’s bare, deserted,
the way you adapted to moisture
as you stand in your place like
the faithful silent maiden
of the lochs, marshes, rivers,
who’d have thought that you’d
be outlaw’s hideaway,
lover’s refuge
(how lovers need a refuge)
they are not the traveller
whose eye is on the paving-stone,
the visible path,
the durable bridge

Seile / willow


a sheilich ged a tha thu slàn
tha thu cho seang ’s gu faicinn tromhad
ach gu bheil d’aigne na dannsair gun tàmh
is d’èideadh gorm mar sgàthain do-àireamh
a’ tilleadh mo sgrùdaidh gun shamhla gàire
tha mi airson a bhith na do mheasg
ag èisdeachd ri sruthan fillte nan smuain
a’ suathadh nan deur bho na clòimhchait bhàn
ar n-aire air sìol bhradan shìos fodhainn
a’ sireadh a chuain ’s na cuairt mhòir


willow though you are whole
you are so slender I’d see right through you
except that your mind’s a ceaseless dancer
and your green clothes like innumerable mirrors
returning my scrutiny with no shadow of a smile
i want to be among you
listening to the plaited currents of thought
wiping the tears from pale catkins
our attention on smolts down below us
seeking the ocean and the great journey

Huath / hawthorn


seabhag ’s a spuirean cho biorach ri
ribeachan cruaidh do chairt, ’s a sùil
amach ameasg nan nàmh,
a cuachan iseanach na d’ phreas
cho nochte fann ri naoidhean lucha
bu tusa ’m fàinne dhìon a bhànruinn,
camhanaich na bealltuinn bàna,
fìon na céitinn, crùn nan ceusadh,
ionad naomh nan òigh ’s nan adhlac,
sporach, slànach, cuimhne thoinnte
eadar reothadh agus toradh,
eadar dubhair geamhraidh’s fàs,
bu tu freiceadan na h-uaisle,
sealgair thaibhse, fasgadh sidhe,
cungaidh cridhe, borb is boidheach


a hawk, its talons as sharp as
the hard snares of your bark, its eye
out among where enemies,
its cup of chicks in your bush
is naked, weak as a mouse’s brood
you formed the ring around a queen,
you were the dawn of fair beltane,
mayday wine and crucifixion crown,
a holy place of virgins, graves,
thorny, healing, plaited memory
between frost and harvest
between winter dark and growth,
guardian of the noble rank,
ghost hunter, fairy shelter,
heart’s balm, fierce and beautiful

Duir / oak


dannsa daraich
thar bhàrr nan coille
craobh-dìon nan druidh
druim an luingeis
iolaire nan craobh
bradan nan craobh
leòmhann rìoghail
nan craobh
air an raon eòlach
damh cabrach
nan craobh


dance of the oak
above the forests
the druid’s shelter-tree
the spine of great ships
eagle of trees
salmon of trees
regal lion
of trees
and on familiar lands
antlered stag
of trees

Tinne / holly


chan iarr an gleann seo
rìgh an t-saoghail
ann a shìodan ’s
a chrùin de dh’òr
is rìgh nan cnoc,
an gorm is sgarlaid,
cruaidh air faire

’s nan saoileadh iad
gur ceannairceach
righ meanglach buan
a ghlinne seo,
na saoileadh iad
gur géilleir e
a chromas druim

bu saighdear e
a bhiathas ian,
bheir dìon do thaigh
an aghaidh buidseachd
sìdhichean is spréidh,
fir-tàileisg ann, is
deirge gréin na dhearc


this glen has no place
for the world’s king
with his silks and
his golden crowns,
see the king of the hills
all scarlet and green
keep his steel watch

don’t let them think
of him as rebel,
resilient branchy
king of this glen,
don’t let them think
that he will yield
or stoop his back

he’s a soldier
who’ll feed the birds,
protect your house
from witchcraft,
fairies, livestock,
he’s chessmen, with
sun’s red in his fruit

Coll / hazel


cha b’e truimead do dhiamhaireachd
ach do bhiathadh,
mise nam rìgh, nam dhèirceach,
a’ gabhail bhuat, na do ràithe,
a' chagnaidh bheairtich
nan smuaintean neartmhor

agus air chùl nan smuain,
ann an abachd na beatha,
bradan a’ leum,
bradan geal a’ leum,
uchd làn de
shìol beò na h-innleachd


it wasn’t the weight of your mystery
but your nourishment,
i as king, as beggar,
accepting from you, in your season,
the rich crunch of kernel,
the vigour of thought

and behind such thought
in the ripeness of life,
a salmon leaps,
a white salmon leaps,
its belly fat with
the living seed of invention

Muin / bramble


mar dhaorach shlat
le’m braon dubh dhearc
tha choille ìseal seo
na breacan stròigh

na raip air gnùis
an iongnaidh òig,
de shùgh cho sileach ri
eas mear nach traogh

ged nach b’ann còir
do bheannachd sguilb,
mar làmhan fuar an uilc,
tha fial na d’ luchd

phreas nan tàladh
mar ròsan dubh,
crios do bhrìd nan dàn
air latha cur


in drunken canes,
black berry fogged,
this low-level forest’s
a prodigal plaid

smear on the face
of youthful wonder,
juice as fluid as
unquenchable bright streams

though your welcoming thorns,
(cold hands that hurt)
may not be kind,
your freight is profuse

enticing bush,
your black roses,
goddess bride’s girdle
on the day of sowing

Gort / ivy


cha b'e murt a bh'air d'aire,
cha b'e muchadh,
cha b'impireachd,

nuair a ghabh thu greim teann ait taigh, air drochaid,
creag no craobh,
ach d'fheum airson na h-aile
ruigheachd, anail gorm
na greine, 's do dhuileach
mar shaighdean beo
is deonach airson leigheas
do gach galair seice's
mionach, 's na do raithe
fleadh do bheach is speach
a' sugh do bhlathan,
is meas do lionad na
chuirm do ghobhlan-gaoithe 's
smeorach, chan fhaicear
dreathen na do chuiltean,
righ beag brodachail nan ian

ach cleoc thu, do gach deargan
's dion 'n a luchairt, do
gach right


murder was not your intention
nor asphyxiation,
it was no imperialism
when you wrapped a tight grip
around house, bridge,
rock or tree,
but your need to reach
the air, the sun's green
breath, your leaves like
living arrowheads
eager to be healing
every malady of skin
and gut, and in your season
wasp and bee feast on
your blossom's nectar,
while your berries' fullness makes
banquet for thrush and
swallow, nor can the wren be
spotted in your shadows,
haughty little king of birds

but you're a cloak, to every flea
and in his secure palace, to
every king

Peith / guelder-rose


bu dualchainnt thu
do dhuilleach eòlach,
is do bhlàthan,
mar gum piuthar thu no bràthair
chaidh air dhaltachd

bu dualchainnt thu
nach tuig mi buileach,
ach d’fhuaimean eòlach,
gheibh iad fàilte

grian ruadh an fhoghair,
grian gheal an t-samhraidh,
fuil no schneada,
dàimh do ràithean


you are a dialect
your leaves familiar,
and your blossoms,
as if you were a sister or brother
who’d ben fostered

you are a dialect
i can’t quite understand,
but your familiar sounds
will be welcomed

red sun of autumn,
white sun of summer,
blood or snow,
your seasons’ kinship

Ruis / elder


asal nan craobh
ar leat ar leat
ach seall mo luchd
de mhìorbhailean

ann an callaid do thaighe
‘s tu coma co-dhiùbh
tha mi nam lighiche
tha mi nam phìobaire

ni mi cìr dha do ghruaig
ni mi gunna-séidein dhut
ni mi do dhìon, ma chreideas
tu, bho olc ’s bho éiginn

fìon mo bhlàthan
fuaran bàn dha d’ chridhe
fìon mo dhearcan
lasair ruadh dha d’eanchainn

ann an callaid do thaighe
’s tu coma co dhiùbh
asal nan craobh ’s
mo luchd de mhìorbhailean


ass among trees
you seem to say
but don’t you see my
cargo of wonders

in your garden hedge
and you seem not to care
i’m there as healer
i’m there as piper

i’ll make a comb for you
i’ll make you a pop-gun
protect you, should you have
faith, from evil or want

my blossoms’ wine
a clear spring for your heart
my berries’ wine
a red flame for your mind

in your garden hedge
and you seem not to care
ass among trees with
my cargo of wonders

Ailm / pine


mar a thuirt an giuthas,
tha mi nam chrann,
mar a thuirt an giuthas,
a bhein mar sheol,
strac an urlair fodham,
chan eil dol nas fhaide

mar a thuirt an giuthas,
tha mi nam shoidheach
mar a thuirt an giuthas,
mo roiseid mar riamh, do sgamhan
fo throm nam cheathach sguraidh

ged is mise, ars an giuthas
righ na coille, craobh nan laoch,
an t-anam nach treig, dean
sioman as mo fhriamhach,
taod dha do chabhlachd, faic
mo lubadh ris a ghaillionn


what the pine
said i am a mast,
what the pine said,
the ben's a sail,
the earth below's my deck,
i have no need to travel

what the pine said,
i am a vessel what the pine said,
like resin, like oars,
for constricted lungs
i'm a cleansing fog

though I be, said the pine,
the forest's king, hero tree,
the immortal soul, plait
a cable from my roots to
make fast your navies, see
how I bend to the storm

Onn / gorse


còmhdachd bhràighean
an gorm is buidhe,
feachd a feitheamh
àithne ghrad nan ràithe,
freice 'n t-suirighe,
an còta màille dealgach

teine òrach
a taomadh meala,
bheir thu deàrrsadh
spreadhach gréine dhuinn,
is priobadh earraich bhuat
air cnuic bog a gheamhraidh

léine'n t-saoghail,
brat lasrach samhraidh,
gunna 'n abachaidh,
feachd mór na ràithe,
craobhsgaoileadh shuaichneis,
cnò meala air iteal


slopes' coverlet
in greens and yellows,
an army awaiting
the seasons' prompt order,
courtship's guardians
in their thorn coats of armour

a golden fire
spilling honey,
you'll bring us
sun's explosive radiance
and spring's first flicker,
on the moist hills of winter

a world's drill shirt,
summer's flame banner,
gunfire of ripeness,
season's regiments
broadcasting signals,
honey nut on the air

Ur / heather


do shìomain ruadh
a cuairteachadh nan
iomadh buaile far
nach faighear
aona bhuachaill' on
ghabh thu buaidh

bhrat a chòmhdaich
ceann is gualainn
an tìr a tuath seo,
mar phlaide teann,
thug adhart fighte
do thàmh an t-sluaigh

leann na slàinte
bho'n t-saoghal àrsaidh,
brìgh na meala
dh'an t-seilean dligheach,
buigead bobhstair
do chuspair ruaig

sguab is pasgart
is tughadh daingeann,
do thìr 's do mhuinntir,
ri am an fhòirneirt
na d' bhraidseal clisgidh,
na d'fhalaisg dùsgaidh


your brown ropes
surrounding all
those many folds where
no cow-herds can be
found now, since
you took control

banner that covered,
head and shoulder,
this northern land,
close woven plaid,
a knitted pillow
for the people's rest

an ale for health
from the ancient world,
source of honey
to the dutiful bee,
softest mattress
for fugitives

broom and basket
and close-bond thatch
for land and folk,
in time of onset
a fire to startle,
heathfire to stir life

Eadha / aspen


cha b'e nàire
gun do dhiùlt thu
ùmhlachd do dhia,
's gun d'rinn thu
crann dha bhàs,

ach, mar a chithear
na do dhuilleach
miaran pìobaire,
siùbhlachd d'iarrtais
air dannsa


it's not your shame
that you wouldn't
bow to a god,
or made the
cross he died on,

but the motion
of your leaves
like piper's fingers,
an urgency
for dancing

Iodh / yew


san aona sgial, craobh ì,
nan tùs, nan draoidh,

a thug fasgadh, san sgial eile,
do mhàthair phìleat, an
neo-chiontach 's e ris a chìch,

ciste-laighe nan iomadh cuach
a chuireas lasair anns a chuirm

slat chruaidh an rioghlaidh,
craobh bith-bhuannachd,
craobh farsuing bàis

crann a ruigeas sìos dhan uaigh,
ceum dhan anam, sgùradh cuirp

seall, nan oisein, iubhar 's abhall,
mar a tha am meanglan àrda suaint
troimh chéile, càraid òg san uaigh

biodh i tearc, biodh i na mùr fiodha
mun cuairt air seann falamhachd,
tha i beò, tha a h-eachdraidh buan


in the first tale, it named
iona of the druids

it gave shelter, in the other tale,
to pilate's mother, his
innocence at her breast

coffin of the many goblets
that give radiance to the feast

hard rod of government
tree of immortality
wide tree of death

tree that reaches down into the tomb,
a soul's way out, will cleanse the corpse

see, in their places, yew and apple,
how their upper branches twine
together, young lovers in the grave

it may be rare, it may be a timber wall
around an ancient emptiness,
it is alive, its history is secure

Queirt / apple


itheamaid plumbais, itheamaid peur,
lìonar am bial le dìle meala,
rachadh làn dùirn dhearcan
spreadhach tromh 'n anam,
mìlseachd thar mhilseachd san ubhal
mhór ruadh a dh'altrum gàradh .

ach seo, mar chnò bheag shuarach
uaine, bànrainn nam meas, meas
na beatha, geur ri naidheachd
bàis, meas an tàlaidh, meas
an iùil do laoch le
càil na h-òige
son eòlas agus innleachd.

mas i cairt-ceadachaidh do thìr-
nan-òg, tha iomadh buaidh aic'
air lùths nam beò, faic òigh ag
amharc pòr
an cniadachd teine,
's a dòchas làn gun togar smuid
a dhearbhas cniadachd gaoil

seo i, ged tha, tus na cainnt,
am blàth, am meas, am pòr san làr,
fiùran agus craobh, tùs an dàin,
reul nan àird, o bhreith gu bàs,
biadh dh'an eanchainn,
taitneach, tlàth,
an lide cleithte, tùs an là


eat your plums, eat your pears
fill your mouth with a flood of honey
let a fistful of berries
explode through your soul,
sweet beyond sweetness the great
red apple that nursed a garden.

or this, insignificant little green
nut, queen of the fruit, fruit
of life, sharp as a news
of death, fruit of enticing, fruit that
led a warrior with youth's
keen hunger
for mastery of battle skills.

though it be password to the
otherworld, it retains the power
to affect the living, see the young girl
watch apple-pips
in the fire's embrace,
full of hope the smoke will rise
that ensures true love's embrace.

here it is, where speech begins,
the blossom, fruit, seed in the earth,
sapling and tree, begins the poem,
star of seasons,
from birth to death,
it feeds the brain, satisfying, mellow,
this hidden letter begins the day.


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