Introduction to the tree-letters

Since the alphabet acted as a means to memory, like a modern day computer, a massive store of material would have been associated with each of its tree-letters, and the following are just pale hints at vast subjects contained within...

lightness, whiteness, pioneer, betulin, fungi, bark, birch tar, bladder... Cernunnos, wildman of woods, giant, silver wells, handfesting, maypole, bark hats...

rose, light, berries, humus, parasorbic acid, vitamin C, coughs...
doorways, Brigit, protection, earth and heaven, runes, life rod, Dubhros...

beneficial, healer, humus producer, disinfectant Epona, Uffington, Odin, spears, cloud-maker, Imbolc...

animal attraction, tanning, gunpowder, riddles
Bran the Blessed, Manannan MacLir, below the waves, Rough Else

leaning, breaking, flood protection, relations, larder, baskets, miyabeacin, salicin, aspirin
moon, Helice, sacred to poets, witches, wryneck

helping, healer, power over water, making a wish bring in the may, she of the white track, clootie wells, keeper of winds, long sleep, true thomas

long life, strength, insects, lightning, thunder, electrical currents doorman, druid, summer solstice, Janus, oracle, Dodona

shade, evergreen with leaves, strong high quality wood, fevers and colds christian symbolism, Tannus, Gawain and Green Knight, waxing and waning, bull with club foot

human settlements, youth, divination, skin irritations magic nut, Connla's Well, nine, Bush Barrow lozenge, caduceus, salmon of wisdom, Taliesin

rose-like, arching canes, lateral shoots, larvae, basketry, binding, protection leap-frog, Osiris, exhiliration, taboo, Michaelmas

blocking light, decoctions, sinusitis, spleen, wild, toxic, shade, evergreen with leaves, fevers and colds pubs, resurrection, ivy girl, christian symbolism, Tannus, Gawain and Green Knight, waxing and waning, bull with club foot

water-elder, sterile flowers, translucent, cramp bark, swollen glands Samhain, Ukranian beauty, ngetal or reed

Ruis/ Elder
Rebalancer, nettles, nitrogen, treats infection Frau Holle, guardian, death

Ailm/ Pine
survivor, pioneer, light-seeker, breathing aid, incense, insect home, fibonacci curve, third eye, eye of horus, dancing thyrsus

Onn/ Gorse
spiky, exploding, fretted webs, uncertainty, nitrogen-fixer, eithne, travelling, kissing season, beltane, overcome adversity

Ur/ Heather
heathland, adorn, homestead, thatch, brooms, heather ale, heathen, flame of passion, Malvina, charm, good luck

Eadha/ aspen
suckers, attracts fungi, trembler, remedy for fear, underworld journey, shield defence, gives confidence, shifts perception, accursed by righteous

Iodh/ yew
no resin, poisonous, immortal, layering, resurrection, yew bows, over 5,000 years, tumulus, bluestones, Odin, yew island, Iona, Glastonbury, Danu

Queirt/ apple
8,000 varieties, common root, Silk Road, staple food, fertility, discord, trojan war, hesperides, garden of eden, hidden

Tree trail

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